082 494 5624 – 081 503 2841
We understand how important your privacy is and will protect your personal information. By providing your personal information you are agreeing that we may process it to furnish you with a quote. Also note that some advisors work under supervision. This is to ensure that you’ll get awesome service, all of the time! It is important to provide us with correct information, otherwise it could affect the outcome of your claims.
Through our agreements with the major insurers in South Africa and our ability and experience to understand our clients needs and risks gives us the edge to provide you with the best solution in the market.
Our Products
+ Short Term Insurance (Includes Personal, and any kind of business insurance)
Short-term Insurance is a contract between you and the insurer covering your assets in the case of damage or loss. The contract stipulates that the Insurer will pay you a set amount of money, or will replace or repair your asset in the event of an insurable loss.
+ Other Commercial short Term Insurance
Examples of other cover being: Assets All Risks, Liability, Business Interruption/Loss of Profits, Motor, Fidelity, Guarantee/Commercial Crime, Financial/Performance Guarantees.
+ Life Insurance and Risk Insurance
Risk insurance includes life cover, Disability cover, severe illness cover, funeral cover, income protection on disability.
Life Insurance pays your debt when you die.
Life Insurance sustain the living standards of the people you leave behind after death.
Life Insurance can contribute towards your children’s retirement goals at faster than savings.
Disability lump sum and disability income protection gives you funds should you not be able to work because of a bodily injury.
Severe illness insurance gives you pay out should you get a dread disease. It can pay your medical bills or sustain your living standard.
+ Medical Aid and Medical Insurance
When it comes to reimbursing claims, health insurance usually settles the claim with the member, who is then responsible for paying their respective service providers. Medical aid tends to settle the bill directly with the medical service provider
Understand your medical aid
When you understand your medical aid you can save money by choosing the best option for your needs and your age.
It will provide you with great insight into the world of how medical aids work.
Our Services
+ Financial and Estate Planning
Financial and Estate Planning is the process where we place your assets in the correct product to eventually save your estate duty and executors and other costs.
+ Retirement Planning
Retirement planning is the process where we calculate your requirement for when you want to retire and how you are going to retire and which products to use to save efficiently to growth your wealth the quickest.
Income shortfalls when Die or get disabled makes insurance compulsory
It is highly recommended to take risk insurance while you are still young and there is no illness to contribute to an increase in premium or a decline of cover.
Factors that does increase your premium:
High Cholesterol
High blood pressure
High BMI
Apply today for a free quote.
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